Wednesday, 4 October 2017



We all normally use 4 or 5% of  the capability of our brain . If we break this limitation of our brain and use 100% of it then we can do anything in our life. Do you know, the main difference between the life of a successful person and an unsuccessful person? Well there are many things upon which our success depends, but the very important thing behind someone's success is that-How much brain percentage do the individual uses? 

Generally, we use only 5% of our brain, and in this 5%, we do all of our daily work.  Very less people are there, who know the techniques of increasing the brain percentage. Just imagine, we do all of our daily work by using only 5% of our brain, then if we increase its percentage to 10% or 20% or 40% or maximum i.e 100% then, we can do whatever we want to

When our brain's power increases, our awareness will increased to 1000 times. Along with it, our memory, confidence, happiness will also increased. Because, these things exist for our brain. Here, I will talk about some easy techniques to increase the brain percentage.

BO EASON, is the smartest multi dimensional human being. He was a football player, after finishing his football carrier, he became an actor. Today, he is one of the most successful persons in Earth. And he is the one, who told about this technique. He said that he was fond of many things like football, acting, doing business etc. and whenever he thought about his dreams, he used two words - 
"THE BEST". Most of you will think that how can these two words increase the brain percentage? Though these are simple words, but you can't imagine how these two words can change you, because you are not aware of the power of these words. 

From childhood BO EASON told that, "I want to be THE BEST stage performer" and "I want to be THE BEST football player", and this "THE BEST" feeling made him successful. Internet is full of his success stories.

Whenever, you say these words i.e. "THE BEST" in any field, your conscious mind transfers it to your subconscious mind. When you say that "I WANT TO BE THE BEST .............", then your subconscious mind will make it happen in reality one day & you will get the best place. But these words will effect when you will feel the words from inside.

Our subconscious mind accepts the things which are in extreme level. So, you have to put your thoughts in an extreme level, so that, it can be accepted by the subconscious mind.

As e.g. when you think about average marks, you bind your thoughts in a limitation and so you will be an average student. But if you study with "THE BEST" feeling, the uses of your brain increases and you will get better result everytime. Because at that time your brain does everything more efficiently.

So, if you practice the same thing everytime, then your brain percentage will increase from the default 5%. If you gain the attitude of "THE BEST", your brain increase the motivation inside yourself, increase your energy levels and balance the chemicals inside brain, so that you can achieve success in your life.

If we consider our conscious brain as horse then the subconscious mind will be the horse rider. The power of subconscious mind is unlimited. So, when any thing reaches to subconscious mind, it will happen one day in reality.

Tests prove that, the high achievers use greater percentage of brain as compared to normal people. EASON also told that, from a research, it is developed that, the olympic gold medalist use 40-50% of their brain, whereas the silver or bronze medalist use 10-20% of their brain. It is because that the gold medalist only think for the best performance and then their subconscious mind make them aware so that they can practice more and more and finally get the gold.

Gain "THE BEST" attitude, feel your words from inside what you want to achieve, increase you brain percentage and your subconscious mind will make it happen with the the help of your conscious mind.

Simple!! isn't it ??
What do you think?

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