•Eye is the fastest muscle in your body.
Our eyes are one of the most fascinating and complex parts of the body. Almost every animal in the animal kingdom relies on them everyday, but how much do we really know about eyes.....Let's Explore
•Eye is the fastest muscle in your body.
•Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form, around 550 million years ago.
•We see with our brain, not with eyes, Our eyes function like a camera, capturing light and sending data back to the brain.
•Dogs can’t distinguish between red and green.
•We have two eyeballs in order to give us depth perception – comparing two images allows us to determine how far away an object is from us.
•Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in your iris.
•Our eyes remain the same size from birth, it doesn't grow. People generally read 25% slower on screen than on paper.
•The new born babies see everything upside down. When a new born baby cries, there are no tears produced from his/her eyes, because the tear glands are not fully developed ( The tears will appear in their eyes 5-6 week after birth).
• All new born babies are color blind at birth i.e. they see everything black & white in color.
•Our eyes are made up of approximate 2 million parts.
•We blink 28,000 times in a day.
•Our eyes can Recognize 10 million color shades.
• The black and brown eyes are common in the world but the blue eyes are rare, but do you know, there exist many people with grey, green, red and violet eyes also.
•The cornea is the only tissue in the human body which doesn’t contain blood vessels.
•Smoking reduces your night vision.
•Eyelashes have an average lifespan of five months.
•One of the most common cosmetic injuries is poking the eyeball with a mascara wand.
•Geckos can see colors around 350 times better than a human, even in dim lighting.
•The first blue-eyed person is said to have lived 6,000-10,000 years ago.
•Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
•Bees have 5 eyes.
•The older we get, the less tears we produce.
•Eyes are able to process 36,000 pieces of information in a single hour.
•Oily fish, vitamin A and vitamin C all help to preserve good eyesight.
•We can see only one sixth part of our eye.
•In an average life, your eyes will see 24 million different images.
•It is reported that men can read fine print better than women can.
•Scorpions can have as many as 12 eyes and the box jellyfish has 24!
•A worm has no eyes at all.
•An owl can see a moving mouse more than 150 feet away.
•The perfect length of eye contact when you first meet someone is to acknowledge what color eyes they have – about 4 seconds.
• The scientific name of eye is " The Optic".
• The megapixel of human eye is about 576 Megapixel.
Feel Proud & happy to be an human, because human is the most powerful & most developed machine in world that can do anything rather then having a computer or an iphone or a DSLR camera......