Wednesday, 27 September 2017



Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What is my true identity? Am I a father, a husband, a friend, an engineer, a doctor or a patient? The truth is that you are a father because you have a son. You are a husband because you have a wife. A passenger because you are on a train. So all your identities, everything you believe yourself to be, are all dependent on something else. So then, who are you? A father, a husband or a passenger?
By not knowing the answer to these questions, you keep on creating new identities of yourself, consequently going farther away from your true Self. All the suffering in life is because of not knowing your true identity. Until you realize your true Self, you believe yourself to be the name that has been given to you.
So who are you? In reality you are an eternal Soul. For infinite past lives the Soul has been hidden beneath a veil of ignorance. Due to this, we have been unable to experience the true Self. With the grace of the Spiritual Master, it is now possible to realize your true Self via a scientific process called Self Realization ceremony. Thereafter, you not only understand that you are a Pure Soul, but you also experience your true bliss.
It is very hard to get the answer, because we cannot think about infinity. But, if we concentrate then we will definitely get the true answer about our consistence.

Monday, 25 September 2017



The Subconscious Mind is the key to changing your life, and it's true. This is because the Subconscious Mind is working all the time.

First of all, What is SUBCONSCIOUS MIND?
 It is the "autopilot" system. A part of mind below the conscious awareness and contains material of which it is possible become aware by redirecting attention. It is also described as the "Foundational Belief System" that stores -
• All Life Experiences,  Beliefs, • Memories, • Skills, •All situations that one been through, • All images that one ever seen.

Science after study of human brain concluded that, Only 5% of our cognitive activities such as emotions, actions etc. are controlled by our CONSCIOUS MIND whereas the  left over 95% of our behavior and the decision we make stem from the  SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.

From the Law of Attraction prospective, "What you focus on, is what you get in life." And this focus is both Conscious and Subconscious in nature. 

Since, now we know, the 95% of our "Foundational Belief System"  is inside our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, we can say  that what we attract in our lives is due to the energy that vibrates within us. This energy is literally called the "SUBCONSCIOUS ENERGY''. 

It is the thoughts 'stored' away in our Subconscious Mind that bring to you, in an "autopilot" fashion, what we see on a daily basis.

So, what we focus on gets ingrained in our Subconscious Mind and the more we focus on something, the more we create momentum on that thing and so we attract the similar that match vibrationally.
e.g. If one changes his/her focus from violence to peace, it will be stored in the Subconscious mind and that individual starts to attract more peaceful situations.

So, by resetting our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, we can achieve whatever we want in our life as the 95% of our "Foundational Belief System" is controlled by the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. But, for that we need to concentrate so that we can deliver an information in our Subconscious Mind.

Some methods of delivering information to the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND are described below:-

Anything on which our Conscious mind is agree and it doesn't contradict with it then it goes directly to our Subconscious Mind because Subconscious Mind doesn't apply any logic or filters on such things. And once anything enters to the Subconscious Mind then our Subconscious Mind will start execution on it and this is how a thought converts in to reality.

e.g. Think for a while that, there is a child whom one of his friends tell him that you will not be good in mathematics ever. He may not be get disturbed and nothing can happen by the statement of his friend because his friend is not an authority person or has no value according to his Conscious Mind. But, when he get the same statement from a Maths Teacher, he may get disturbed as the teacher is a authority person according to his Conscious Mind, it directly pass the statement to the Subconscious Mind, and the Subconscious Mind accepts this statement as reality. After that, his Subconscious Mind starts working on to make it happen. So, whenever he will try to do Mathematics his Subconscious Mind will start distracting him. The Subconscious Mind will make sure that he will not be able to do maths properly in future. We always concentrate but with such kind of students the problem is not related to concentration, it is somewhere related to the programming done in his Subconscious Mind. And it not only works in negative aspect of life, it also works positively in the same way.

So, the thing is that, we must listen to the good things and have to make believe on them so that the information can transferred to Subconscious mind quickly & it starts working to make it happen in reality.
 If you want to get successful then start reading about highly successful people. Read about those who came out from adversity & become successful. When you do this then your Conscious Mind will get satisfied logically and transfers this to the Subconscious Mind and you will start thinking that if he can get success then why can't I do the same.

 When any thought keeps hitting again and again then a time comes when the wall of Conscious Mind gets break and that thought enters the Subconscious Mind.
e.g. if someone keeps telling repeatedly that he/she has a bad luck and do hard work but always gets opposite results with full of emotions, then once a time comes when his/her logical or Conscious Mind agrees with him and let his his/her thoughts enter in the Subconscious Mind. And once it goes to the Subconscious Mind then it Starts playing its role and it makes that person capable to work very hard but gets no success.

So, to get success we must think good things (Affirmations) such as " I will definitely do this or get that job or something positive" REPEATEDLY so that the positive thing enters to the Subconscious Mind and it makes the thing happen in reality. Be happy & stress free all the time so that positive things can enter to your Subconscious Mind regularly and they can happen in reality.

It the process of Hypnotism. In this method, we distract the Conscious Mind by letting it into trance and then our desired commands will easily enter in to the Subconscious Mind.

We don't need to have any super powers, because we have our Subconscious Mind that is much more powerful then we think. So, keep on thinking good positive things and be happy with them also when you aren't in that situation. In any situation, we must think positively, so that our Conscious Mind is every time ready to agree with it what you want.

Sunday, 24 September 2017



Our eyes are one of the most fascinating and complex parts of the body. Almost every animal in the animal kingdom relies on them everyday, but how much do we really know about eyes.....Let's Explore

Eye is the fastest muscle in your body.

Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form,                around 550 million years ago.

 •We see with our brain, not with eyes, Our eyes function like a camera,                    capturing light and sending data back to the brain.

Dogs can’t distinguish between red and green. 

We have two eyeballs in order to give us depth perception – comparing two           images allows us to determine how far away an object is from us. 

Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin in your iris. 

Our eyes remain the same size from birth, it doesn't grow. People generally            read 25% slower on screen than on paper.

The new born babies see everything upside down. When a new born baby             cries, there are no tears produced from his/her eyes, because the tear glands        are not fully developed ( The tears will appear in their eyes 5-6 week                       after birth).

• All new born babies are color blind at birth i.e. they see everything black &            white in color. 

Our eyes are made up of approximate 2 million parts.

 •We blink 28,000 times in a day. 

Our eyes can Recognize 10 million color shades.

The black and brown eyes are common in the world but the blue eyes are rare, but do you know, there exist many people with grey, green, red and violet eyes also.

The cornea is the only tissue in the human body which doesn’t contain blood vessels.

Smoking reduces your night vision.

Eyelashes have an average lifespan of five months.

One of the most common cosmetic injuries is poking the eyeball with a mascara wand.

Geckos can see colors around 350 times better than a human, even in dim lighting.

The first blue-eyed person is said to have lived 6,000-10,000 years ago.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

Bees have 5 eyes.

The older we get, the less tears we produce.
Eyes are able to process 36,000 pieces of information in a single hour.

Oily fish, vitamin A and vitamin C all help to preserve good eyesight.

We can see only one sixth part of our eye.

The eyeball weighs around 28 grams. 

In an average life, your eyes will see 24 million different images.

It is reported that men can read fine print better than women can. 

Scorpions can have as many as 12 eyes and the box jellyfish has 24!

A worm has no eyes at all.

An owl can see a moving mouse more than 150 feet away.

The perfect length of eye contact when you first meet someone is to                          acknowledge what color eyes they have – about 4 seconds.

The scientific name of eye is " The Optic".

The megapixel of human eye is about 576 Megapixel.

Feel Proud & happy to be an human, because human is the most powerful & most developed machine in world that can do anything rather then having a computer or an iphone or a DSLR camera......

Thursday, 21 September 2017



Different theories exist regarding how and why people experience emotion. These include evolutionary theories, the James-Lange theory, the Cannon-Bard theory, Schacter and Singer’s two-factor theory, and cognitive appraisal. Let's discuss about all these theories.

Evolutionary Theories

More than a century ago, in the 1870s, Charles Darwin proposed that emotions evolved because they had adaptive value. For example, fear evolved because it helped people to act in ways that enhanced their chances of survival. Darwin believed that facial expressions of emotion are innate (hard-wired). He pointed out that facial expressions allow people to quickly judge someone’s hostility or friendliness and to communicate intentions to others.
Recent evolutionary theories of emotion also consider emotions to be innate responses to stimuli. Evolutionary theorists tend to downplay the influence of thought and learning on emotion, although they acknowledge that both can have an effect. Evolutionary theorists believe that all human cultures share several primary emotions, including happiness, contempt, surprise, disgust, anger, fear, and sadness. They believe that all other emotions result from blends and different intensities of these primary emotions. For example, terror is a more intense form of the primary emotion of fear.

The James-Lange Theory

In the 1880s, two theorists, psychologist William James and physiologist Carl Lange, independently proposed an idea that challenged commonsense beliefs about emotion. This idea, which came to be known as the James-Lange theory, is that people experience emotion because they perceive their bodies’ physiological responses to external events. According to this theory, people don’t cry because they feel sad. Rather, people feel sad because they cry, and, likewise, they feel happy because they smile. This theory suggests that different physiological states correspond to different experiences of emotion.

The Cannon-Bard Theory

The physiologist Walter Cannon disagreed with the James-Lange theory, posing three main arguments against it:People can experience physiological arousal without experiencing emotion, such as when they have been running. (The racing heart in this case is not an indication of fear.)
  1. Physiological reactions happen too slowly to cause experiences of emotion, which occur very rapidly. For example, when someone is in a dark alley alone, a sudden sound usually provokes an immediate experience of fear, while the physical “symptoms” of fear generally follow that feeling.
  2. People can experience very different emotions even when they have the same pattern of physiological arousal. For example, a person may have a racing heart and rapid breathing both when he is angry and when he is afraid.

Cannon proposed his own theory of emotion in the 1920s, which was extended by another physiologist, Philip Bard, in the 1930s. The resulting Cannon-Bard theory states that the experience of emotion happens at the same time that physiological arousal happens. Neither one causes the other. The brain gets a message that causes the experience of emotion at the same time that the autonomic nervous system gets a message that causes physiological arousal.

Schachter and Singer’s Two-Factor Theory

In the 1960s, Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer proposed a different theory to explain emotion. They said that people’s experience of emotion depends on two factors: physiological arousal and the cognitive interpretation of that arousal. When people perceive physiological symptoms of arousal, they look for an environmental explanation of this arousal. The label people give an emotion depends on what they find in their environment.
Schachter and Singer agree with the James-Lange theory that people infer emotions when they experience physiological arousal. But they also agree with the Cannon-Bard theory that the same pattern of physiological arousal can give rise to different emotions.

Cognitive Appraisal


The psychologist Richard Lazarus’s research has shown that people’s experience of emotion depends on the way they appraise or evaluate the events around them.

These are the theories of emotion .......detailed information of emotion will be in part-3

Wednesday, 20 September 2017



                     In the last century, there was a neuroscience of emotion, and today there is a neuroscience of emotion. In between there was a long, dark gap during which neuroscientists regarded emotion as elusive, objectively difficult to define, and thus, not acceptable to study. Reinforcing this attitude was a long philosophical tradition of not trusting emotions, regarding them as unruly phenomena that can wreak havoc on decision-making.

As recent research has shown, this prejudice and attitude are profoundly wrong. In the very least, we can say that emotion is always in the loop of reason. Emotion is an adaptive response, part of the vital process of normal reasoning and decision-making. Emotions describe physiological states and are generated unconsciously. Usually, they are autonomous bodily responses to certain external or internal events. 

Emotion is a very adaptive form of physiological response, and it regulates our lives. Emotion is expressed largely in the theater of the body, through posture and facial expression as well as through such internal processes as heart rate and blood pressure. Moreover, all of these bodily responses are fed back to the brain through neural channels as well as humoral channels, which bypass neural signaling.

To understand how emotion works on the body, we must differentiate emotion from feeling. When we experience any of the primary emotions--sadness, happiness, anger, fear, surprise, disgust--our experiences express themselves physically, in ways that can be observed by another person.

By contrast, feelings are subjective experiences of emotions and are driven by conscious thoughts and reflections.

Mostly, what happens when an emotion is elicited happens non-consciously. Often our body may already be in a state that represents anger before we know what is making us angry. The creation of this body state is automatic, largely preset by our genes to respond not to a particular thing but to certain categories of things.

For instance, when we generate states of fear or anger or disgust or happiness, we produce withdrawal behaviors or approach behaviors that have been preserved through evolution because they have proved advantageous to survival. We have inherited this system for sorting out what is good and what is bad, automatically, in order to preserve ourselves.

The power of such non-conscious processing is enormous. Many studies have shown that in normal individuals, the amygdala--a brain structure intimately involved in the fear response and in recognizing fear--will be activated even when a person is not consciously aware of having been presented with a fearful stimulus. The brain can pick up a signal that is well masked at the conscious level. Conversely, individuals with damage to the amygdala may lose the ability to detect negative stimuli, with unfortunate results in their lives.

Similarly, patients with damage to certain regions of the frontal lobe also suffer from an inability to appreciate negative outcomes. Despite of maintaining normal intelligence and knowledge, they no longer can run their lives effectively. They cannot learn from their mistakes or think about future consequences. Though they can reason logically, their decision-making ability is flawed. They have lost emotional reactivity at a high level; they can no longer sense, for instance, embarrassment or guilt or pride or shame. They have lost their ability to feel emotion relative to the future consequences of their actions and thus are no longer able to qualify their choices as "potentially good" or "potentially bad."

Thus, the brain has at least two systems for assessing the value of events. One system leads to a conscious recall, through memory, of options for action and of representations of future outcomes. Then we use logical reasoning and knowledge to decide that we will do X instead of Y. Another system, probably evolutionarily far older, acts even before the first one. It activates biases related to our previous emotional experience in comparable situations. These non-conscious biases affect the options and reasoning strategies that we present to our conscious selves.

We do ourselves a disservice when we think of human beings as exclusively logic- or knowledge-driven, and fail to pay attention to the role of the emotions. The two systems are enmeshed because that is the way our brain and our organism have been put together by evolution.

This is the basic science about our emotions, in the next blog  I will discuss about every particular emotion that a human can have....

Tuesday, 19 September 2017



Humans are called the most decent creature of the universe. Human body looks like simple but there some amazing facts about the human body that we actually don't know and we should know. So, let's explore some facts...

Saliva is a watery substance formed in the mouths, secreted by the salivary glands. Human saliva comprises 99.5% water, plus electrolytesmucus, white blood cellsepithelial cells (which can be used to extract DNA), glycoproteins, enzymesantimicrobial agents such as secretory lysozyme. The enzymes found in saliva are essential in beginning the process of digestion of dietary starches and fats. But, do you know, the lifetime collection of a person's saliva is about 5,000,000 liters i.e. volume of water of two swimming pools.

Shedding of the skin

A human body regularly sheds the skin. Do you know, every second, about 600 skin cells perambulate from the skin. So, where do they go? The micro creatures present on the skin eats the skin cells.

Mega pixel of human eye
In any smartphones, the camera quality is measured by MEGAPIXELS. In any smartphone, the camera is usually of 2,4,8,12,13,20 megapixel. But, the MEGAPIXEL of human eye is 576 mp which is very much greater then that in the smartphones. And for this reason, you see things very clearly with eyes.

Uncoiling of DNA

In every human, there is DNA. In DNA, the information about the character of human is stored in. But, do you know, if we uncoil the DNA of every cell of our body , its length will be 16,093,440,000 KM i.e. twice the distance between earth and pluto.

Stretching is our lung

Do you know, if we stretch our lung, then it will be equal to a tennis court.

 About human brain
The brilliant brains looks like a pile of fat spaghetti, but your brain is actually one of the most amazing things in the universe. Do you know, your brain has about 100,000,000,000  (100 billion) neurons ( Each neuron is connected to about 25,000 other neurons. There are more connections in your brain than there are atoms in the universe.


Blood is a mixture of red and white cells. In one day, our blood travels 12,000 miles i.e. halfway around the world. All your blood travels right around your body once every 20 seconds.


Noses are the most sensitive organs. Do you know, humans can distinguish approximately 1 trillion unique scents.          

 You're taller in the morning

Our spines are made up of 33 VERTEBRAE which are separated by cartilage. When we sleep, our bodies replenish the fluid in our cartilage that we lost throughout the day, they stretch and relax and thus space out the discs further. So, we gain EXTRA HALF INCH OF HEIGHT every morning. During the day, gravity causes us to lose the height boost gained.

Back dimples

We all see peoples have dimples on their chicks. In the 16th century MICHELANGELO  coined the term "DIMPLES OF VENUS" i.e two dimples in the lower backs of some people. These dimples are much more in women than men.


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